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anselDAM is an image management system, also called a digital asset manager, or DAM. It's a single place for all your photographs and other assets. As a web application all your assets become available to anyone you authorise in your organisation, wherever they are.

View, Search, Share

anselDAM offers a commanding view of your assets, allowing you to see as many as you can fit on your screen. You can search using original filenames, keywords, titles, copyright, and more. For example, It's trivial to find panoramic images bigger than 20 megapixels created last year. You can share links to individual images or, with a single click, create a time-limited web album. Download assets to your own PC with a single click.


The cloud is just someone else's computer. Before you upload anything to the cloud you should establish how you are going to get it back again. anselDAM will write your uploaded assets to a separate cloud storage provider, using an account that you own and control. You can choose from an extensive list including Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, or even FTP. Individual text files are also created alongside the assets that contain all the work that you put into keywording and modifying. A single text file containing all your work can also be downloaded at any time. This is human and machine readable so that you could continue without a DAM if you wanted, or have someone else import it into a new system.

You are always in control: you are not locked into a long contract. We have confidence in our system and know that you will want to keep using it. But, you can walk away at any time, paying only for what you have used.


anselDAM has a unique set of features for importing assets from an existing PC, Mac, file server, or NAS. anselDAM can analyse your local file structure and create a list of keywords that will be applied automatically to assets during import. You can trim this list, correct misspellings and identify content that should not be imported.

The analysis is all done locally so you don't waste bandwidth uploading assets that are not needed.


Before assets are uploaded to anselDAM a cryptographically secure fingerprint is created on your local computer. This travels with the asset to the server. It can be used at any time to check the integrity of the asset.

anselDAM never modifies your assets. Operations such as rotation, resizing, adding or removing metadata are all stored separately. They are applied only to the copy you download or share.